Alternatively to the on-line buying you can order by e-mail to, if you prefer to pay by credit card you can do it by PayPal (no need to have a PayPal account) we'll send you a secure PayPal link for payment or for bank transfer we can send you the complete bank's datas to pay. You can also call Us
Tel. +39 06 79 17 711 mon-fri 9:00-13:00 15:00-19:30 and sat 9:30-13:00
Payment by Paypal
One of the most used system in the world to buy on-line securely by PayPal account or your credi card also, you will pay by PayPal via a secure way and they will turn the money to us.
Payment by STRIPE
One of the most used system in the world to buy on-line securely by your credit card
Payment by bank
for out of Europe please, sender and receiving bank's fees your charge, thanks
The system will send you our iban code